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Literary Beauty

"I’m always amazed at friends who say they try to read at night in bed but always end up falling asleep. I have the opposite problem. If a book is good I can’t go to sleep, and stay up way past my bedtime, hooked on the writing. Is anything better than waking up after a late-night read and diving right back into the plot before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth?" -John Walters 

LOVE reading. Although, I didn't actually start readingreading until July of 2012 when I got my Nook, the love of my life.

Abbreviations I use in my reviews:

WTS (Wrist Twitch Syndrome) - The compulsory jerking of the wrist in an effort to pitch the nook away from the body to reduce mental anguish and self inflicted bodily harm. 

ERS (Eye Roll Syndrome)The act of rolling one’s eyes multiple times in a matter of mere minutes.

The severity of this syndrome tend to vary from benign eye rolls every now and then, depending on the situation and protagonist, to intense eye rolls, of which, cause the body to seize up for minutes at a time.

**Both symptoms tend to manifest as a result of naive, stupid, clueless, lovesick, rose-glasses wearing puddle-depth fucktard protagonists or an ag-on-izing storyline.

Currently reading

Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
Scott Brick, Kevin J. Anderson, Dean Koontz

Unraveling (Unraveling, #1)

Unraveling (Unraveling, #1) - Elizabeth Norris Ok, damn...good thing this is looking like a series! Can this even be classified as a YA? Because I thought the very definition of young adult was: sniveling, self-indulged, emotionally befuddled, idiotic, tragic protagonists and this book was none of the above. Ok, yeah the whole "I was dead" for like 8 chapters got a little old...yes you died, yes Ben saved you, get the fuck over it but other than that J-baby was kick-ass. She was able to make a decision, she was actually a real life person whose family wasn't perfect and who had to step up to take responsibility and the best part of this book? She didn't sit there a hem and haw about having to do it and she never lost sight of her main responsibility, which was Jared. And AND...THERE WASN'T A FUCKING LOVE TRIANGLE!!! Yes! You read that right! She wasn't getting all hot and bothered by every ounce of testosterone that gave her two minutes of their time. You just can't get any better than that shit.

This is the first time that I have actually read a sci-fi book and watching the Syfy channel prepared my imagination for the story-line. Ha. The characters were well written, who else loves Ben and J-baby? Cause I know I do! Ben is just too effing cute. And who else ugly cried when you got news of her fathers death? Then at the funeral when she was mad at him for leaving them with their mother? Cause I did! Like my face hurt from being contorted...then to lose her best friend? I was screaming at the heavens...I couldn't handle it.

I love Norris' writing and I would have finished this book in a day if life didn't get in the way and interfere with my shit, but I was captivated throughout the entire read, there were a couple of twists that got me and then there was a couple of parts that I predicted was going to happen but it didn't take away from the story-line at all.

I'm looking forward to Unbreakable!