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Literary Beauty

"I’m always amazed at friends who say they try to read at night in bed but always end up falling asleep. I have the opposite problem. If a book is good I can’t go to sleep, and stay up way past my bedtime, hooked on the writing. Is anything better than waking up after a late-night read and diving right back into the plot before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth?" -John Walters 

LOVE reading. Although, I didn't actually start readingreading until July of 2012 when I got my Nook, the love of my life.

Abbreviations I use in my reviews:

WTS (Wrist Twitch Syndrome) - The compulsory jerking of the wrist in an effort to pitch the nook away from the body to reduce mental anguish and self inflicted bodily harm. 

ERS (Eye Roll Syndrome)The act of rolling one’s eyes multiple times in a matter of mere minutes.

The severity of this syndrome tend to vary from benign eye rolls every now and then, depending on the situation and protagonist, to intense eye rolls, of which, cause the body to seize up for minutes at a time.

**Both symptoms tend to manifest as a result of naive, stupid, clueless, lovesick, rose-glasses wearing puddle-depth fucktard protagonists or an ag-on-izing storyline.

Currently reading

Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
Scott Brick, Kevin J. Anderson, Dean Koontz
City of a Thousand Dolls - Miriam Forster I have mixed feelings about this one. I can’t get over Nisha's ignorance but the end to this read wasn’t all that bad…it was almost enough to have me thinking that I wanted to read the next installment. Almost. But alas, Nisha was an idiot, even given ample opportunity to leave the city, she didn’t, she wanted to wait and see and hope and pray that good would happen to her all the while wallowing in self-pity.

She then believes that she has a purpose in finding out who the murderers were, but, she can’t even do that well, she isn’t smart about her sleuthing…I mean really, she didn’t even approach the rogue girl until the very end and the girl ends up dead! It just didn’t make any sense to me, there was mention time and time again that the girl was acting out of character but when the murders began, she wasn’t the least bit curious about the other girl or why she was acting weird (sorry, the characters were so forgettable that I forgot the girls name). The mystery? Well, that fell short too; I wasn’t at all surprised when the culprit was revealed. And those bouts of courage in the midst of all that self-pity only made me dislike Nisha more, I am still questioning why her staff abilities were mentioned so many times, when not once were they showcased and the only reason she was able to stop the culprit, is because she trained with her before and knew what she was capable of.

I did love the setting though, I think the plot had a lot of potential but in the end it fell flat for me. I will only allow one series to get my blood boiling with a weak protagonist who is revered as a WARRIOR AMONG THE GODS…and even then the last installment of that series almost did me in.