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Literary Beauty

"I’m always amazed at friends who say they try to read at night in bed but always end up falling asleep. I have the opposite problem. If a book is good I can’t go to sleep, and stay up way past my bedtime, hooked on the writing. Is anything better than waking up after a late-night read and diving right back into the plot before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth?" -John Walters 

LOVE reading. Although, I didn't actually start readingreading until July of 2012 when I got my Nook, the love of my life.

Abbreviations I use in my reviews:

WTS (Wrist Twitch Syndrome) - The compulsory jerking of the wrist in an effort to pitch the nook away from the body to reduce mental anguish and self inflicted bodily harm. 

ERS (Eye Roll Syndrome)The act of rolling one’s eyes multiple times in a matter of mere minutes.

The severity of this syndrome tend to vary from benign eye rolls every now and then, depending on the situation and protagonist, to intense eye rolls, of which, cause the body to seize up for minutes at a time.

**Both symptoms tend to manifest as a result of naive, stupid, clueless, lovesick, rose-glasses wearing puddle-depth fucktard protagonists or an ag-on-izing storyline.

Currently reading

Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
Scott Brick, Kevin J. Anderson, Dean Koontz

Sacrifice of Love (The Grey Wolves, #7)

Sacrifice of Love (The Grey Wolves, #7) - Quinn Loftis Bravo! Bravo!

I feel sad and lost now that I have finished this series, like I lost a good friend and now I don’t know what to do…what do I read next after I have spent so many hours enchanted in the world of Wolves, Fae, Pixies, Elves, Witches & Trolls? How do I move on from the friendships I have discovered and the lives I have followed?

I guess the best answer would be to pick up another book.

However, these questions are ever only reserved for very well written books, the books that have the power to make you feel that your reality is what your are reading. You know, the stories that keep you up until all hours of the night because you just have to know what happened next, the stories that have you thinking about it during your daily routines and thoroughly anticipating when you can return?

I had my doubts in the first book, but this is definitely one of those series’ that reminds me that my gluttony for punishment sometimes pays off!

I loved the series as a whole, I think Loftis did an awesome job with the development of these characters and am I now finding myself at a loss as to what to read next…

Sooo, what now?